Rev Clin Periodoncia Implantol Rehabil Oral 2009
Vol. 2. Issue 2. August 2009
Association between Degenerative Bone Disease and Temporomandibular Joint Articular Space Effusion
G. Moncada, D. Cortes, E. Exss, C. Marholz, R. Millas
Rev Clin Periodoncia Implantol Rehabil Oral 2009;2:37-41
Oral Health Related Quality of Life on Elderly when Loosing Dentition
E. Dreyer, S. Maggiolo, P. Barahona
Rev Clin Periodoncia Implantol Rehabil Oral 2009;2:42-5
Soluble Forms of MMP-14 and CXCL12 Expression in Progressive ChronicPeriodontitis
M. Hernández, T. Tervahartiala, O. Rivera, A. Dezerega, N. Dutzan, L. Henríquez, T. Sorsa
Rev Clin Periodoncia Implantol Rehabil Oral 2009;2:46-9
Same Prosthetic Treatment Different Quality of Life on Elderly
E. Dreyer, P. Cisternas, M.C. Fresno, P. Barahona, S. Maggiolo
Rev Clin Periodoncia Implantol Rehabil Oral 2009;2:50-3
Genotyping of Porphyromonas gingivalis in Patients with Periodontitis
L. Abusleme, P. Pozo, N. Silva
Rev Clin Periodoncia Implantol Rehabil Oral 2009;2:54-8
CCL-7 and CCR-5 Expression in Apical Lesions
A. Dezerega, A. Oyarzún, N. Dutzan, C. Osorio, V. Mundi, M. Hernández
Rev Clin Periodoncia Implantol Rehabil Oral 2009;2:59-62
Site and Tooth Inherent Variables Associated with Progression of Chronic Periodontitis
M.C. Muñoz, O. Rivera
Rev Clin Periodoncia Implantol Rehabil Oral 2009;2:63-7
Effect of Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatment in the Levels of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 in Chronic Periodontitis
N. Dutzan, M. Hernández, P. Pozo, O. Rivera, A. Oyarzún, A. Dezerega
Rev Clin Periodoncia Implantol Rehabil Oral 2009;2:68-72
Presence of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in Probandos Families with Aggressive Periodontitis
M.J. Contreras, A. Pango, R. León, R. Hidrobo
Rev Clin Periodoncia Implantol Rehabil Oral 2009;2:73-7
Comprehensive Management of a Patient with Chronic Periodontitis and Low Income at the School of Dentistry, University of Antioquia, Medellín-Colombia. Clinical Case
R. Zapata Zapata, I.C. Guzmán Zuluaga, J.R. Saldarriaga Molina, D. Tobón Calle
Rev Clin Periodoncia Implantol Rehabil Oral 2009;2:78-81
Reconstruction of Severely Border Atrophied: Clinical Case
N. Brierley, J. Cabello, R. Irribarra, H. González
Rev Clin Periodoncia Implantol Rehabil Oral 2009;2:82-5
Regulatory T Cells and Periodontal Disease
L. Carré, N. Dutzan, S. Lavandero, J. Gamonal
Rev Clin Periodoncia Implantol Rehabil Oral 2009;2:86-90
Relationship between Periodontitis and Cardiovascular Disease
A. Contreras, J. Ramírez
Rev Clin Periodoncia Implantol Rehabil Oral 2009;2:91-7
Resúmenes trabajos presentados en la XXI Reunión Anual IADR División Chile, Talca, Octubre 2008
Rev Clin Periodoncia Implantol Rehabil Oral 2009;2:98-128